Tuesday, October 4, 2011

NICU day 5

Today was my first day of visiting the NICU from the home front. Luckily I have rides figured out for this week (my mom is in town to help out) and then next week I have lots of offers from friends and family to get me to and from Deaconess.
I made it Avery's noon care time today and the doctor let me know that they decided to go ahead with the medication to treat the PDA (the valve in the heart that didn't close) because they were stating to see some other effects of it. While they are administering the meds they also stopped her feeds. It was tough for me because I was hoping the valve would close itself because not only do the meds mean she has to stop her feeds, but they can also cause some additional effects on the kidneys and digestive system.  At our 4:00 visit the nurse said she thought that maybe the first dose closed the valve would could potentially mean that they won't continue with the 2 additional doses and will resume her feeds. I guess we'll find out tomorrow when we talk to the doctor.
Everything else is going well. She has ups and downs with breathing (a lot of which has to do with her getting tired out) but continues to do the majority of it on her own.
My favorite visit of the day is always the night visit. It seems to be when she is most attentive. At tonight's visit I was chatting with her about her day and holding her hand w/ my finger. When I went to leave she wrapped her little fingers around the tip of my finger. It completely melted my heart.. She is truly an amazing little baby and little moments like that make me know that no matter how difficult this will be, there will always be other moments that will make it completely worth it.
Avery's foot prints (and a paperclip for size comparison)
Just a little video of Avery. (I'll get a better one tomorrow. They were going to prick her foot for blood sugar so I had to look away)

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