Wednesday, September 28, 2011

moving on up...

I'm just getting settled in to my new room on the Labor and Delivery unit.  My doctor came in today to check on how I was holding up. I told her I had been feeling anxious about things, because well I have, and she suggested that I move up the monitoring since the baby is further along now. I told her I was on board with whatever they thought was best at this time and within a few hours I was moved upstairs and hooked up for 24 hour monitoring.
It feels different up here. My room is bigger but not as cozy. There is no more couch for Bill (or anyone else) to stay over :( .  My TV is smaller, but there is a dvd player so we can finally watch Bridesmaids!
Being on the L&D floor makes it VERY, very real. I just heard someone in the hallway on his phone telling people they just broke his wife's water.
So if anyone wants to visit I'm now residing in room 3010.

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