Sunday, December 25, 2011

merry christmas from our family to yours.

Our little elfkin
We watch her even when we're not there and she loves to stare it the picture.  She even lost her black and white book  (it hung on the other side of  her) privledges because she wouldn't fall asleep :)

Please stop mom!!

Just a quick update. Avery had her MRI on Christmas Eve. What a way to spend your first Christmas Eve right? Well we got the results today and they said her brain looks good. Immature, but that was expected. The little dot in her white matter that was concerning is not presenting itself as anything to worry about! Phew! 

Hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Christmas. 

1 comment:

  1. I just want to tell you you have a beautiful daughter! Currently I found out one of my twins is IUGR (5th percentile) and her brother is 12th doing better than her (possibly due to a cord/placenta issue but also my own maternal issues (I'm going into heart failure). It's very overwhelming and we are finding out next week if they have made progress (growth and dopplers) and I will be admitted to the hospital if things get worse with her. We would love to make it to 28 weeks if possible. I found this out at 25 weeks but could see the issues at 23 weeks as I've been having serial ultrasounds currently hit 26 weeks today. Your story gives me great hope for my babies!! I hate going on the internet but I'm almost obsessed with finding information. God bless your family!! Thank you for sharing your journey !!
