Wednesday, February 8, 2012

let's do lunch

Today Avery had her first lunch date with her daddy. He's been asking us to come out and have lunch with him since he went back to work, but his lunch usually falls right during her afternoon feed.  So today I decided I would just pack her picnic lunch--which involved preparing her bottle and surprising him. It was the perfect day for a lunch visit since it was cold and snowy out, Bill got to sit in a warm car and while he ate his lunch Avery ate hers.
Two things I learned from our lunch date. 1) Feeding her in the car was much easier than I imagined it being. And 2) the car bottle warmer thing we got as a gift is ah-ma-zing! I would highly recommend it for anybody who is going to be traveling with a baby who bottle feeds.  It warmed the bottle quicker than the method we use at home. Granted Avery could care less if her milk is warm or cold, but if we can warm it up that quickly and conveniently, than why not.
Since I didn't think to take any pictures of us lunching here are a few cute ones of her snuggling with her animal blanket thingy.

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