Wednesday, February 15, 2012

all hands on deck.

My daughter NEVER ceases to amaze me. Never. I'm sure this will seem silly, but today I put her on her boppy bed so I could finally get a restroom break and gave her a toy monkey to distract her that I wasn't actually in the room.  By giving it to her I mean I laid it next to her to look at. Well when I came back downstairs she was holding it in her hand! This is a huge accomplishment. It means she reached out and grabbed it herself and was holding on to it. A developmental milestone in the books.
You see while Avery is a healthy and happy baby it is still possible that because of her prematurity and severe IUGR (interuterine growth retardation) we could start to see signs of developmental delays at any point. So seeing her do things like reaching out and grabbing her toys is awesome. Proof of how awesome it is? I took like 20 pictures. I'll only share a few because I know not everyone would be as excited to look at 20 pictures of her holding her toy. :)

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