Let me give you the quick run down:
- First and foremost, HAPPY 1 WEEK BIRTHDAY AVERY RUTH ELLER! You've been such a trooper this first week we couldn't be more proud of you. Keep it up baby girl.
- Avery finished her medicine for the PDA on Thursday. She showed no signs of any side effects and will have an eco done sometime today on her heart to see if the valve closed. We are cautiously optimistic because the doctor and nurses said things seem good. If it didn't close, then they will continue to monitor it and reevaluate the next step if necessary.
- The first line came out of her umbilical cord yesterday. It was the line they used to draw blood for labs. It was starting to cause catheter leg which is when the line restricts flow to the leg. Her poor little leg was a slightly purple, but as soon as they took it out it returned to normal color and seems to be getting better every day.
- Yesterday, Thursday, they extubated her. This was EXTREMELY scary for me. Even though she has been doing most of the breathing work on her own w/ only some assistance from the ventilator, there is no guarantee that her little body can do it all on its own. The doctor cautioned me that it may only be out for a short time, but any time off the vent is better in the long run. So far she is doing amazing. She hasn't had any episodes of apnea and her lung x-ray yesterday afternoon showed no signs that he lungs are collapsing.
- So now Avery rocks the CPap machine. She has to wear a big mask on her head and it looks ridiculous. Her papa calls her the newest member of the "hose heads" as he is also a proud wearer of a CPap at night. When they made the switch from the vent to the CPap the nurse took
pictures of her face w/out anything on it. When he handed them to me at my next care time, I cried. She is perfect and seeing her face was wonderful. We'll get to see it more often as they take it off to make adjustments/cleanings and what not.
- I also unexpected got to hold Avery yesterday. Roy, her nurse (who is one of many of my favorites that we have had so far), asked me out of the blue. It was exactly what I needed. I was having a down day but holding my baby girl for the first time made anything else in the world seem insignificant. It is definitely a moment I will never forget. Thank you Roy! I'm pretty sure you may have stretched the rules to make that happen, but I will forever be grateful for that time and all the many holds to come.
- Last night our new night nurse, Wendi, added new tasks to our care time. Bill, who only gets to see Avery once a day right now, got to take her temp, pick her up for her weigh in, change her oxygen monitor and clean off her mouth. He is so good with her. The only task he opted out of was changing her diaper, so I gladly stepped in. (Hopefully this isn't a trend :)).
- This morning it became very clear that Avery sneezes exactly like her momma. Lots of little sneezes in a row. It is ridiculously adorable.
I swear I could go on forever about how great she is doing. I'm elated at her progress, but remind myself that every day is a new day and we never know what could happen. If she continues to ride the roller coaster straight up to the top, perfect! But otherwise we are prepared for the downward turns that may occur, especially as they start to reintroduce feedings now that she is finished with her meds. I can't wait to see her start to plump up and fill out that little body of hers.
Right after being extubated.
Avery's new mask. She looks like something out of a scifi movie :)
Changing her oxygen monitor
Daddy picking Avery up to weigh her.
Our little cacoon.
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