- Avery now weighs 1 lb 10.5 ounces
- She is 13 inches long and grew an inch and 1/4 in a week!
- Her head is growing at a steady pace
- She is now completely off IV feeds and is getting all of her nutrition and calories from a combination of my milk and human milk fortifier. She is up to 24 calories per feeds.
- She went through 3 diapers and peed on her daddy all in one care
- She is back to getting time on the cannula. Right now she only gets two 2 hour shifts, but she LOVES it and does fantastic.
- Her apnea spells are decreasing. She is still having issues saturating w/ oxygen and is higher on her 02, but then again she grew 1.25 inches in a week, that must take a lot of energy!
- We get to hold her again! Only once a day for now, but that is better than not holding her at all.
- I am still completely terrified to flip her from her back to her belly and for the 2nd day in a row made the nurse do it. Hopefully some day soon I will realize I will NOT, indeed, break her in half.
- We read her first book today and she loved it. Thank you Barkley family for starting off her personal library.
- Her daddy took 49 pictures during a 30 minute care session. I think he likes her just a little.
- And finally, she is still super adorable, amazing and overall awesome!
Thanks Nurse Gayle for my cute hair ribbon |
Story time and snuggles with daddy. Life. Is. Good. |
Just showing you all how big I am. |
Good work, Ellers! Keep growing that little girl :)