We made it! Since before Avery was even born I have been looking forward to the 2 pound mark. For some reason a 2 pound baby seemed less scary than having a 1 pound baby. I remember wishing the calculation of the 15% margin of error they say can occur in an ultrasound would put her over 2 pounds and realizing no matter how you did the math fifteen ounces never becomes 2 pounds. Until now that is. Avery put on 3 ounces between yesterday and today and hit 2 pounds 2 ounces at tonight's weigh in. She is one ounce short of 1,000 grams and that means...NO MORE GLOVES TO REQUIRED TO TOUCH OUR BABY! I can't wait. By Sunday I should be able to wash my hands, walk in and touch my little lady.
You can really start to see the changes the weight gain is having on her physically. She is starting to get both cheeks and butt cheeks. They are adorable. All four of them. Equally. She also a strong little cookie. She does what we call baby push ups and can bust right out of a swaddle if the nurses don't get her in a super bionic burrito. I don't know where she gets the energy but we love it.
Everything else has been going fantastic. She continues to tolerate her feeds well and is up to 25 calories w/ 5.8 ml of milk every hour. I'm really starting to see my milk put to use, not only in her weight gain but in the consistent requests from the nurses to bring more. It makes this momma feel good knowing that even though I couldn't grow her on the inside, I am doing my part to grow her now. And in the next few weeks we should be able to start doing binky dips where they dip her binky in my milk and start introducing it to her. And then before we know it she'll be attempting the bottle and breast feeds. But lets not get ahead of ourselves...
My parents are here this weekend to visit and see Avery. Mostly to see Avery. They too are amazed by her change. Where Bill and I have watched her grow day by day, ounce by ounce, those who don't see her every day really see the changes.
So next up is her 1 month birthday (wow!) followed by her first Halloween. There will definitely be pictures for those!
Daddy representing the 2 lb 2 ounces :) |
Staring hard at my blanket |
My new big girl britches. They don't really fit her, but she needs more absorbency |
Daddy and Papa |
I wonder if she'll always wonder if someone is staring at her... |
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