Avery had her first in home therapy appointment today. The therapist was mostly assess her today based on her adjusted age (meaning the age she would be had she gone full term). They wouldn't expect that Avery would be doing things that a normal 4 month old does, but are hopeful that she will meet milestones for a one month old and if not that they will catch it soon enough that we can work on correcting it.
Of course she did great. The therapist said she looks wonderful and for the most part is doing all the things she should be. She rocked her tummy time and was moving her head from one side to the other. She was showing good cues of self soothing, although we need to work on reminding and helping her figure them out when she is starting to shut down. I felt like a "good mommy" because most of the suggestions she made are things I already do because I picked them up during her NICU stay or they are common sense things.
We do need to work on her with head control and visual tracking. She has a 3 second head control right now and they would like to see it around 5+ seconds. It isn't a huge deal but will help her down the line when it comes to holding her head up and to center line. She also does not visually track things from one side all the way to the other. She can go from center line to each side, but not the full spectrum. She gave me some ways to work with her so by the next visit hopefully she'll show some signs of improvement.
Today's visit was a huge sigh of relief. As a first time mom it is one thing to worry whether your baby is making adequate progress. Add on top of that prematurity, adjusted ages, low weight, etc and the stress goes to a whole new level. So just some reassurance that she is doing good helps this mommy relax a bit.
The therapist also suggested that we bring in a speech therapist for feeding issues. Recently we've been having more difficulties with agitated feedings, irritation post feedings and puking. I wish my friend Paula, who is an awesome speech therapist in Seattle, lived her! But it'll be fun seeing first hand what she gets to do every day with the kiddos.
Other than that life is good. We've been up all night, sleep all day. We need to work on that. I miss sleeping in bed with my husband. Our couch is only so comfy but after spending 2.5 weeks of bedrest on it, I was hoping to never spend that much time on it again. But alas, I would do anything for my little lady and I do my best to do it with a smile on my face (poor Bill usually gets the brunt of my over tiredness).
Hold daddy's hand. Yep I can do that. |
Snooze for 4 or more hours. Yep I can do that. Except at night. Then I like to party like a rock star. |
Make my grumpy face. Check. |
Stretch like a big girl and rock the one sock look. Yep, I can do that. |
Snuggle with my blanket. Yep, I've got that down. |
Tell my momma when enough is enough. Yeppers, I can definitely do that. |
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