Tuesday, January 10, 2012

busy day.

Well maybe it just felt busier because we were up until almost 5 am. Silly girl just loves being awake all night.
We had Avery's one week weight check today. She is up to 6 lbs 11 ounces. That means she's put on 9 ounces since she's come home! Ya us. We CAN do this :) Because she is doing so well they won't have us come back for another weight check until her 4 month check up in February (mostly to help us avoid their office during the sick season). 
She also had her follow up at the children's eye doctor to check the progress on her maturity of her eyes. Good news, they are fully mature! That means no scary Retinopathy of Prematurity for us.  She still needs to go in for annual eye exams because she is still at increased risk of having issues related to her prematurity. Well and let's not forget her not so awesome eye genetics from her mother....
Even staying up all night we are LOVING having her home. The routine she was on in the NICU went out the door apparently.  So much for 3 months of work :) She loves music. And lounging in her boppy bed pillow. And being cute. 
Our next outing isn't scheduled until next week when we return to where it all began. Avery has to go get blood work done at Deaconess. I'm hoping to find time to put together a nice goodie thank you basket to take to the NICU. A goodie basket and card seems like an insignificant way to say thank you for saving our daughter's life, but I want them to know just how grateful we are. So if not at this next visit, I will get one put together!
oooh, hello

I love mirrors. 

Helping mommy cook dinner

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