Sunday, November 27, 2011


So apparently my instinct to 'nest' has set in. Hopefully my instincts are right in telling me I need to get stuff done cause she'll be home soon cause I'm SO ready to have her home. Now that she is over the 4 pound mark; 4 lbs 2 ounces to be exact and getting longer; 16 inches, I feel more and more like we are on the home strectch of our journey.  She is on round 2 of trying full time cannula support and so far so good. She really just needs minimal assistance but it is nice to have her off the cpap. The good thing about this is the Developmental Therapist will now start working with us on feedings!
Back to the nesting. I know that when she first comes home she won't really use her room much, but for me having it finished by the time she comes home is important.  I've been working on it slowly but since I decided to take on a lot of DIY projects with, um, zero extra time on my hands, things are slowly but surely coming together.
Today I conquered the bed skirt and changing pad cover. They turned out super cute. I decided to make the bedding because I couldn't find exactly what I wanted for a price I wanted to pay. So I hit up an awesome sale at Hancock fabric and 2 of the fabrics I got are actually done by Dwell Studio who does a baby line. The fabric is from their outdoor fabric collection, but it is nice and durable and I'm not using it to make a sheet (I went with a softer cotton for that). 
I haven't made the sheet yet because I ran out of what time I had, but I also don't have a mattress to put it on anyways. 
Speaking of nests, Avery got a new one today. She officially graduated from the isolet to a crib style bed.  The isolet was making her too hot and she needs to be able to regulate her own temperature before she can go home, so this is a huge step! I cried when I walked in and saw her in her new bed.  She looked like such a little lady and nothing like the micro preemie I remember. I am so proud of her!

So a little side note/request. I was hoping for anyone who reads this that you add Avery's roommate to your prayers. I don't know the rules on giving out names or anything so I won't, but I'm sure God will know which direction to send his attention :) The little guy has had some struggles lately and today I witnessed a scary moment. I feel so much for him and his parents and the emotions they must go through everytime the  phone rings or they come in and hear more bad news.  I have no doubt that prayers have helped Avery get to where she is today so if you can just add her roomie in I'd appreciate it!

New big girl bed.

Changing pad cover by me.

Crib skirt.

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