Saturday evening Avery had her first bath. Yes, if you did the math that means she went 7 weeks before getting her first bath, but keep in mind she is/was a fragile little thing and a bath can be very stressful. But let me tell you, she needed it! The nurse set up the bath in her bed and we made it quick. She fussed a little bit but for the most part she did FANTASTIC. When it was all said and done she just laid in her bed, all relaxed, like it was the best thing that has ever happened to her.
Let's get this started! |
Ooh, that's warm. |
Proud mommy...she did so good. |
Laying on a warm towel |
Big girl...3 pounds 9 ounces. |
Today when we arrived we noticed that Avery's feed tube in no longer in her mouth. She is getting her first chot at it going through her nose. It is a little less invasive and less likely that she will pull it out (or slobber it out which was more likely). She is up to splitting her time 50/50 between the cannula and cpap so we will see this evening if they are able to get a good seal with the cpap and the OG tube in her nose. If they can, then it will stay. The nice thing about having it in her nose too is we can start working with her on nippling as soon as she is ready to do so! That'll be one step closer to her coming home!
Today was also the first time that the doctor has ever referred to our little girl and "monsterous." That's right. He called her a big girl! Comparatively speaking she is still tiny. But comparatively speaking to her 7 weeks ago, she is a monsterous baby! :)
I survived my first week back to work. Barely. But I survived. I was exhausted by Tuesday afternoon. So by Friday at 5, I was barely functioning. I was able to catch up on some sleep this week and it was amazing. This next week is a short week due to Thanksgiving and much of it will be consumed with moving in to our new space in the valley office.
Avery also received her first knitted hat as a gift from one of my co worker--Linda White. We love it and it fit her perfectly!! Thank you Linda!
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