Literally, on the move. Right to the intermediate nursery! That's right our little girl is moving up in the medical world. For the past 9 weeks Avery has stayed in the same room, the same spot which is unusual as most babies are switched from room to room. There has been some talk lately about moving her to the intermediate nursery, but it was one of those things that I just sort of put on the back burner. That is until the morning when I arrived and her nurse told me the big news. Of course my reaction was to burst in to tears. The nurse thought she upset me but really they were tears of joy. To me the move meant one step closer to taking her home!
The new room is more spacious and private. There are curtains that close which is nice since we started nursng this week. (Which is going really well by the way!) I will miss are the nurses. I mean there are obviously still nurses around-the babies aren't quite 'that' advanced-but not all of them come down there.
Our little girl is growing up so fast. Can you even imagine that she has quardrupled her birth weight? She is 4 and 1/2 pounds already. Yesterday she even wore a newborn onsie instead of a preemie size.
She is also in the process of being weened off oxygen. The first go around wasn't successful but she seems to be doing really well with it.
We are truly blessed with the most wonderful, tough adorable little girl! I really hope this is the next step in coming home. I can't wait to snuggle her as much as I want, when ever I want!
In my newborn onsie. And waving my hands wildly. |
Packing up for the move. |
Leaving the NICU. |
New home. |
So cute. |
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