Friday, September 16, 2011

mile marker: 25 weeks!

Today has been a GREAT day!
Bright and early this morning we had our ultra sound to track progress on my amniotic fluid and doppler readings. The results were beyond fantastic! For the first time since this all started we had a positive doppler flow. No more absent flow which means Avery is getting more flow of nutrients and oxygen she needs to develop. Even though there is no guarantee this will last, we continue to take it one day at a time and even one good day is better than none. Our once pessimistic doctor gave me a high five and told us we just have to keep doing what we are doing. Finally I was able to cry some tears of joy as I shared the news with Bill. As hard as this has been, we know that we are doing whatever we need to give her the best fighting chance and it is working so far!
Besides that I spent the day with my mom. She gave me a fresh pedicure, took me on one of my wheelchair privilege rides and kept me company.
25 weeks is a huge milestone and while it is still early in the game, each week brings with it more growth, development and opportunity for Avery to have the best possible life. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. It is working!

1 comment:

  1. hooray! Go, Kelli! Grow that baby! I was on bed rest twice (but NOT scary and in the hospital) and it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. You are amazing :)
